We are located in Queen Creek on Ocotillo Rd. at Victoria between Ellsworth Loop and Hawes. We are located next door to Ace Hardware.
Front Office & Lobby
Our front office has 2 entrances. One side is the “dog” side and the other the “cat” side. You’ll find sometimes they get to switch places but we work hard to keep the dogs and cats separated. This helps us keep the kitties nerves as calm as possible.
Exam Rooms
We have 5 exam rooms. You will see the 4 exam room entrance doors from the lobby. One of our rooms leads directly to a dedicated isolation ward for animals who may be contagious with diseases like parvo virus or kennel cough.
Rainbow Bridge Room
This is our Rainbow Bridge Room. We call it that because we perform most of our euthanasia procedures in this room. We have tried to make it a comfortable place for you and your pet during this difficult time. We understand the importance of those last moments you have with your pet and want to make this process as stress free and easy for you and your pet as possible. This room is also set away from all the noise and you are also able to slip out the side door after you have said goodbye and do not have to go back through the waiting room.
If you have had to recently say good-bye to your pet please take the time to visit these websites: http://www.rainbowbridge.com/hello.htm and www.aspca.org/pet-care/pet-loss/
Treatment Area
Our treatment area is the hive of our hospital. We perform treatments, blood draws, nail trims and more in this space. Doctors develop treatment plans for sick pets and technicians fill vital medications. This is also where animals that are here for surgery are kept pre-surgery and as they recover post- surgery.
Dental Table/Wet Table
This table is designed to treat our more messy surgeries (like abscesses or flushing of ears) but most commonly dental cleanings are performed here. The wet table is designed to allow water to be used during the procedure and keep the animal up and off of it, thereby keeping the pet drier and warmer.
Surgery Suite
Our doctors preform a wide range of surgical procedures including spay, neuter, mass removals, gastropexy, exploratory foreign body surgery and bladder surgery. We also offer fracture repair, orthopedic procedures such as torn cruciate repairs and patella surgeries.
Our surgeries are done in our dedicated surgical suite. We preform all of our procedures with a dedicated and trained staff member who personally oversees and charts your animal’s progress while under anesthesia. Every animal is examined by the doctor prior to the start of the procedure on the day of surgery. The doctor then customizes an anesthetic and pain management protocol depending on your pet’s special needs. We utilize safe and modern pain management for your pets. Animals are continuously monitored for apnea (breathing monitor), end tidal CO2, SPO2 (pulse oximeter) and blood pressure. In addition, pets are catheterized and placed on intravenous fluids to stabilize blood pressure and give us immediate access to their circulatory system in case of an adverse event. It also helps to flush the anesthetic through their system and leads to them waking up faster and feeling better after their procedure.
X-ray and Ultrasound
We offer both digital x-ray and ultrasound for our patients. This enables us to visualize things that previously might have been difficult to see (because we can manipulate and magnify concerning areas) leading to better diagnostic value for your money. X-rays are immediately processed and the doctor can view them remotely anywhere in the hospital. Should you need to see a specialist a CD can be burned or the images can be e-mailed for your convenience.